Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I Was Warned: The Kancho

Interac warned us to always... ALWAYS!!! be on your guard!  But I dropped mine. It was only for a quick second. I was washing my hands. -Typical T.J.- And then it happened. It was swift and opportunistic.  The boy was a 6th grader and "special" on top of that. How could I get angry? It was just like POKE - "Welcome to the club, T.J. Sensei..."

What's interesting is that, the first day I went to that school I told myself, "This is where it's going to happen. These kids are crazy!!!" My prediction proved true. My butt is still clenched and in fear of being violated again by a small child (even though this child was not small).

And to top it all off, I was tickled in the ribs, today! - And if you have known me for a long time, you'd know that I absolutely hate getting tickled in the ribs!- I jumped even higher than the kancho attack (I actually didn't jump from the kancho at all) and twisted around and totally freaked the little girl out.

I was already experiencing stomach issues, as mentioned in my past video post. Today was not the day to get tickled in the side and then poked in the butt! But then again... there's never going to be a good day for that.

Needing tips on how to protect yourself against this anal violation?
Check out this blog post from Tofugu.com

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