Monday, December 29, 2014

This Just Might Be My New Theme Song

Céline Dion & Ne-Yo

Thank you for coming with me on this Incredible Journey!

T.J. Ino

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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Have Something On The Side

I have heard that working people in Japan are required to sign a contract that states they can not have another job either than the one they are currently with.  I'm not sure if this is true for everyone but, because of the path that I have walked I find that to be a very harsh way to cripple their employees.  Here in Japan, people always start at the bottom of a company and as the years go by, they are able to slowly go higher in rank.  Because it is like this with almost every company, you find that most Japanese people stay at one company for years, because if they move to another job, they will need to start back at the bottom of the employee ladder.

How did I make enough money to move half way across the world? I had more than one source of income. Yes, I am grateful to the incredible friends and family members who helped me raise funds during my move, but I would have never been able to consider making this move if I was still under the burden of DEBT. Uh! We hate that word, and even try to push it to the side so we don't have to deal with it. But I actually did it! I decided at the end of last year that I was going to get out of debt, and I held 3 jobs (or 3 sources of income) and no time, but I did it! I cracked down, and didn't eat very much food, and forgot about having a social life... and I did it!

There would have been NO way for me to actually be able to get out of debt without having other sources of income.  The best job that I had was one that made money for me even when I didn't work on it. My internet business, would generate income as I slept and that's just the best thing ever.  I'm telling you that that is the way to go.  Now, I'm not saying that I didn't work at all on my e-commerce business. I actually worked very hard on it, but when you reach a certain point in your success, you are able to sit back for short periods of time and just watch the money come in all because of the hard work you had already put into it.

For any of you who are thinking that they don't have the time for another job but need the extra income, e-commerce the way to go.  There are tons of different ways to make money online. I chose to become a Rodan+Fields Consultant and distribute clinical anti-age skincare, which people love and are benefiting greatly from. This line of income is continuing to fund my time while I am in Japan, teaching English in elementary and junior high schools.

Pursue your dreams. Work hard now and reap them benefits later.
Enjoy the Incredible Journey!
And have something on the side.

Learn more about Rodan+Fields at

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

First Haircut In Japan

Darn it! It says "Incedible Journey." Getting my first haircut in Japan.

Thank you for coming with me on this incredible journey!

- TJ

Rodan+Fields has been a great side business while I'm here in Japan. Contact me to learn about the pharmaceutical-grade skincare products that are changing skin and changing lives by following the links below.

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Contact me to learn about how to become a consultant and get incredible discounts and tax write offs on your clinical-grade skin care products.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Neba Eba Eba...

Tomorrow is another day of listening to my Junior High kids singing that pop hit that goes a little something like this:

"We ah neba eba eba... getsin bawck tsugeza..."

I totally love it!

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Most Dangerous And Unusual Journeys To School In The World

School children Climbing On Unsecured Wooden Ladders, Zhang Jiawan Village, Southern China

Pupils Crossing A Damaged Suspension Bridge, Lebak, Indonesia

Kids Flying 800m On A Steel Cable 400m Above The Rio Negro River, Colombia

     After seeing this, I thought about how my students here in Japan are just like these kids. Their situation is not as severe as rafting down a river, but some of their journeys to school are still very dangerous. Last week was very cold and I saw one of my Junior High students walking home from school. His house is about an hour walk from school. He usually has a bike but for some reason that day he had to walk. When I saw him I was about to turn around and pick him up, but then I thought that that might be against the code of conduct in my job.  But now looking back on it, maybe I should have picked him up and called my company to let them know what was going on.  When it comes to the safety of a child, it's terrible for me to think of my job before their physical health. I don't know. What do you think?

See the full article here: 25 Of The Most Dangerous And Unusual Journeys To School In The World 

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

New Friends

Grateful for new friends... 
Now, if i could just understand what they're saying...

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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Don't Blink

The creepy statues outside my junior high school in Okayama, Japan.  All I need to remember is... "Don't blink!"

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Saturday, November 1, 2014

You Know What I Really Miss?

You know what I really miss? Being able to have a conversation with kids. Kids say the craziest things and talk about the most random of subjects and I really miss being able to understand them and being able to carry on a conversation with them. This is probably the only part of my job that I don't like. I have extreme difficulties with communicating with everyone, even with the teachers that speak English. But not being able to converse with my students is especially frustrating and disheartening. I feel like I can't be as helpful in their life because I don't speak their language. I'm not able to connect with them in a personal way because of this wall. I'm trying very hard to break down this barrier by learning their language. And I am learning, very slowly. I hope that I will soon be able to have a conversation with kids again. I miss them.

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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Visiting a Japanese Church


Okayama Joyful Noise Church

Shari and I went to our first Japanese church service today. We had a mini adventure trying to find it and we were positively intrigued when it turned out to be a small house church.   We actually couldn't find it at first, and we parked near the general location and called them.  The pastor's wife actually walked out of church and found us on the side of the road. The church community members were so welcoming. They waited for us, and began service once we sat down. The pastor's mother was kind enough to translate the entire message to us.  After service we all had a big lunch and before we left they gave us some home grown persimmons.  It was such a special time.  Shari and I were incredibly blessed and we can't wait to see them next week!

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Friday, October 17, 2014

Japanese Elementary Kids Have the Cutest Uniforms

These pictures don't do these uniforms justice. These outfits are so much cuter in real life. The first time I saw the kids walking into school wearing these, I was like, "They are all so darn cute! How is this possible?" It's the uniforms, and Asian kids really are just so darn cute, I must admit. There, I said it. I know it might be slightly controversial but it's the truth.

Look at those hats! They are these kiddie reversible paper boy caps and then those other ones (I don't know what they are called.) that go all the way around are just as cute! And the white shoes with the high socks! And those overalls! I can not stand the cuteness of these uniforms!

BTW, students in Japanese schools all have 3 pairs of shoes, sometimes even 4, one for outside play and walking to and from school in, one for indoors, one for the gym and sometimes one for the restroom. AND Japanese staff and kids are constantly changing clothes throughout the entire day. It's like every time I turn around someone has done a wardrobe change.

(None of these are my kids in these pics. Just random images off the internet.)

And all the kids have these snazzy backpacks! I mean everyone. I think they only get one to last them their school-age career (Please let me know if I'm wrong.), because they cost like $300.00 (Around ¥30,000) each.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Soaring Little Life

Today, I asked a co-worker how to write my Japanese name, Shōsei, in Kanji. I found out that there are two different possible ways it can be written.

Soaring Life

Little Life

As I thought about the meanings of these possibilities, I felt that I connected closely with both of them.

"Soaring Life," because for all my life I have been moving from place to place; never settling and never stopping to take root. I actually hate being in one place for too long, there comes a point where I can't stand it and I just need to get up and go. But this kanji for soaring means more than just "flying," it's flying with power and majesty!

"Little Life," not because I think my life will be "short," but I interpret it more as "a little living being." Maybe my name is the reason why I'm so small. We will never know.

That being said, I believe that when I write it I'll be using 翔生 even though I connect with both. I hear it's the more common kanji used in names with "shō," so most likely that's the correct way to write it.

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

At the Japanese Gas Pump

Not understanding the Japanese language makes getting gas very difficult.  I've filled up gas thrice since this first occurrence and I still don't know how to put gas in a car!

Thank you for coming with me on this incredible journey!

- TJ

I'm continuing to build my side business of Rodan+Fields. To learn about these pharmaceutical-grade skin care products that are changing skin and change lives, click the link below.

Help support this Incredible Journey by loving your skin!
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Contact me to learn about how to become a consultant and get incredible discounts and tax write offs on your clinical-grade skin care products.

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Fun Times in Okayama

Me and the friends out and about in Okayama!

Downtown Okayama City

Lunch with the Co-Workers

Ethan's Birthday 

Game Night
Sushi with these lovely ladies.

Harumi's Birthday Party

Okayama Castle

English Summer Camp

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