Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Soaring Little Life

Today, I asked a co-worker how to write my Japanese name, Shōsei, in Kanji. I found out that there are two different possible ways it can be written.

Soaring Life

Little Life

As I thought about the meanings of these possibilities, I felt that I connected closely with both of them.

"Soaring Life," because for all my life I have been moving from place to place; never settling and never stopping to take root. I actually hate being in one place for too long, there comes a point where I can't stand it and I just need to get up and go. But this kanji for soaring means more than just "flying," it's flying with power and majesty!

"Little Life," not because I think my life will be "short," but I interpret it more as "a little living being." Maybe my name is the reason why I'm so small. We will never know.

That being said, I believe that when I write it I'll be using 翔生 even though I connect with both. I hear it's the more common kanji used in names with "shō," so most likely that's the correct way to write it.

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