Thursday, March 30, 2017

Things That I Hate About Japan

Gender specific marketing for everything!
TV shows, skincare products, toys

Presentation is more important than quality
clothes, food, skincare, fruit

Fruits are ridiculously expensive because high quality is very important and they will only sell the best in regular supermarkets.

If you are a foreigner, it doesn't matter if you speak perfect Japanese, some people just have it set in their minds that they can't understand what you are saying because of your race.

Don't look at anyone in the eyes while in public.

Sugar coating and beating around the bush equals being polite.

Some people are extremely and unashamedly racist toward anyone who is not Japanese.

If you want to be pretty you must look like a 13 year old girl.
13 year old girls are considered sex icons for men of all ages.

The Japanese face is the most beautiful and if you are not Japanese, you will never be considered as comparably beautiful. Koreans are an exception to this rule.

So much bread and fried foods. (Yet they never get fat!)

Getting contacts or glasses is so confusing. The most frustrating thing is you must buy your glasses or contacts from the same place you get your prescription. If you don't, they won't give you service. I actually had to lie to to a clinic and tell them that I would buy contacts from their store, but then ran out after quickly paying for my doctor visit and getting my prescription numbers (I couldn't even get the prescription paper. I could only get the number and escape.).

Physical affection is very uncomfortable and rarely done.

Being close to someone else is impolite and a violation of personal space, unless you're on the train and you're literally crammed butt to face with a crap load of people. Only then is it totally appropriate. Just don't look at anyone in the face.

restaurant napkins are like plastic sheets! Imagine using Saran Wrap as a napkin!

Gender stereotypes are extreme. Girls will not play soccer or baseball even if they enjoy it, just because it's not a "girl" thing to do.

Clothes from Uniqulo or GU or H&M are very trendy but never last more than a year. I guess if we pay a cheap price, we shouldn't expect very much.

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